Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Gracie's words at 14 months

  Ollie (ah-iee)

Hi (hiyeeeee!)

Elmo (ah-oh)


Ball (Ba)

Bert (Buh)


(What does the cow say?) Mmmmoo

  (What does the dog say?) Woo-hoo-hoo

(What does the lamb say?) Baaaaaa

(What does the goat say?) Maaaaaaa

Hey! (repeats when she's getting scolded)

Lalala (sings Elmo's song)



She also signs "please," "more," "all done" and "milk." 

Should Mommy be offended that she's not on this list? :o)



Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Gracie the Speed Reader

Gracie loves her books, although lately she's been a little violent about turning the pages. Here she is rushing through her counting book from Aunt Kathy and Uncle Duane. Ollie makes a cameo at the end.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Happy Nine and Ten Months!

 "Um, what is this thing on my chest?"

 "Oh yeah. I forgot you guys do this every month. At least this month I get to wear my Elmo pants."
 "Ten-month-olds have better things to do than to sit around and take pictures."
"Catch ya later. I've got places to go, people to see!"

In the last two months, Gracie began pulling herself up and cruising around the condo. She is determined to walk and, with the way she dives off of couches and throws herself forward, truly thinks she can fly. We joke that if we weren't standing right by her 24/7, she would seriously kill herself. Crazy, gutsy baby.

Silly Baby

It's almost impossible to catch Gracie's big smile on camera -- she's way too on-the-move!  But her funny faces are pretty abundant and keep us laughing, too.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Scenes from Eight Months

Gracie spent the first half of the month doing the army crawl, which turned into a full crawl just last week. Continuing her pattern of reaching developmental milestones on holidays, (rolled over on Halloween; first belly laugh on NYE) she first pulled herself up on St. Patrick's Day. There's no stopping her now!